
0 items
Warning: Illegal string offset 'date_added' in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 42July 27, 2024, 3:48 am

Stunnah? Don't know this guy? Well, that's what we thought when he contacted us some while ago.

Liking our concept and clothing, bsclly. attracted his attention and in the end we have been supporting each other since then. Not only „friendship-discounts“ and supporting one other with propaganda, but also getting along personally as well seem to have lead to this: a video, where one of our shirts can be seen!

Some of you might think: So what? This guy is neither Frank Sinatra nor Winston McCall, so who cares? Well, we do. This is the first time bsclly. officially appears in a music video, and even though we already made these experiences with the old label Party Smartie Clothing, it is still an amazing feeling: seeing your own clothing that you made up in your mind, had all over your room and packed yourself to send it to some place in this world. Realizing which way it has travelled and the people it has reached is a priceless feeling and motivation to go on with our work.

So no, this guy is not Frank Sinatra or Winston McCall, but I guess you should give him a listen anyway!